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Kitay Law Offices Obtains $1.4 Million Dollar Defective Product Settlement

Hiring an attorney to obtain a defective product settlement is an important decision to make if you are injured by a dangerous product.


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On a day like any other, our client was working in a factory cleaning the machines.  Part of this work required him to turn on the machine and spray it with water using a high-pressure hose.  When doing so, our client lost his balance and reached out to save himself from falling.  Unfortunately, his hand was caught in the machine and he was pulled in up to his elbow.  As a result, our client suffered severe and life-altering personal injuries.

Defective Products Can Change Your Life Forever

Defective Product Settlement

Factory equipment is extremely dangerous when it’s faulty or defective.

Once his arm was pulled into the machine, our client knew life would never be the same.  Helpless and in excruciating pain, several co-workers struggled to get our client’s arm out.  After almost an hour, they were able to do so.  He was rushed to the hospital, but the doctors could not save his arm.  It was mangled and useless.  Instead, our client underwent an amputation to above his elbow.  At this point, the only thing our client knew for certain was that he was going to need the maximum defective product settlement possible.

As a result, he needed a strong, aggressive personal injury lawyer, so he came to Kitay Law Offices for help. It was important to our client that we were able to communicate with him in his native language, Spanish.  Fortunately, we filed a faulty product lawsuit on his behalf and ultimately obtained a $1.4 million dollar settlement for him.

Defective Product Settlement Needed to Afford the Long Road to Recovery

After recovering in the hospital, our client was allowed to go home.  This was just the beginning of his journey on the road to recovery.  Our client saw numerous medical specialists to ensure that the amputation had gone well and to help manage his pain.  Unfortunately our client experienced what is called “phantom pain.”  In other words, he felt pain and other sensations in his arm and hand even though they were gone.

Further, our client required lots of physical therapy.  This was for a number of reasons:

  • Learn how to use the remaining part of his arm for tasks in his daily life
  • Work around the phantom pain sensations
  • Train his brain to understand new body mechanics
  • Learn how to use a prosthetic limb

Throughout all of this, our client knew it wasn’t all going to be free.  How would he pay for this treatment and avoid losing everything he had worked for?  Our client needed the highest defective product settlement possible for his case.

Physical Injuries Cause Mental Health Struggles

Our client’s amputated arm was not his only problem.  Suddenly, he was unable to return to work and could not earn a living. Life for his family would never be the same.  In addition, our client struggled with accepting how his body now looked.  He was ashamed and afraid of what others might think or say.

Unfortunately, this deeply affected our client’s mental well-being.  Anxiety and depression grew strong.  Therefore, our client sought mental health counseling.  And while this has helped our client learn to accept, process, and live with his condition, his mental health will be a lifelong struggle.  As for the future, he will need treatment to remain in good mental health for the rest of his life.  In order to afford that, our client needed an outstanding defective product settlement.

Steps to Filing a Product Liability Lawsuit

Knowing that he will require lots of treatment, care, and time to get better, our client needed legal help.  Medical bills were already sky-high.  Also, he knew the bills would continue to grow over time with all of the doctor visits, testing, and therapy he had already begun.  Our client needed the best defective product settlement for his case.

To hold the defective product maker responsible, we began litigation by filing a product liability lawsuit.  This is the first step towards collecting a settlement. We brought the defendant into court and forced them to disclose all of their evidence.  In addition, we obtained testimony from multiple people who were involved in the design, manufacture, and installation of the defective product.

Further, we retained multiple experts who showed that the machine was defective. Our client could not properly clean the defective product without it running at full speed with dangerous teeth and gears fully exposed.  As a result, our client could not stop himself from being pulled into the machine once his hand was caught. Long story short, the machine should have been designed in a different manner.

Getting the Maximum Defective Product Settlement

After building all of the evidence to show that the product was defective, we were able to obtain the maximum defective product settlement possible for our client.  The defendant paid our client $1.4 million to settle his case.

While we can never go back and prevent this incident from occurring, this settlement will greatly help our client.  It will cover his medical bills, ensure he can get any additional treatment and therapy he may need in the future, and provide compensation for the extraordinary pain and suffering he has gone through.  Instead of worrying about money, our client can spend more time with his family and enjoy life to its fullest.

It’s an honor to help our client with his case.  While we cannot turn back the clock, we can help obtain justice.  That’s exactly what happened here and we are glad our client received the highest defective product settlement possible for his case!

If you have an injury from a defective product, contact us today.  We are ready to help.  You can reach us online or at 888-KITAYLAW for a free consultation.  Further, you can consult our guide to finding the best personal injury lawyer for you.

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