Are you wondering how to fight DUI charges in Allentown? PA can change your life forever. However, if you hire a licensed Pennsylvania DUI attorney, you may be able to get your charges reduced or even dropped altogether.
In Allentown and throughout Pennsylvania, DUI penalties are based on your blood alcohol content (BAC) when arrested. Here are the general sentences for a person with a first DUI charge according to their BAC:
These are only general guidelines for a DUI charge and do not include court fees and other charges.
Avoid getting a DUI by having a designated driver.
DUI charges in Allentown may result in a DUI conviction. However, there are some options for a first-time DUI offender that can help keep your record clean.
For example, a first-time DUI offender might qualify for what is called a deferred verdict and probation. Simply stated, this means that if you can make it through probation without getting into trouble, the DUI offense may be removed from your permanent criminal record.
In addition, depending on your circumstances, you might qualify for Pennsylvania’s Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program. This program requires you to complete certain requirements, including alcohol education classes. If you are successful at completing the program requirements, you will be eligible to have the DUI offense wiped clean from your record.
You can always schedule a consultation with a Kitay Law Offices DUI lawyer. Together, we’ll review the details of your case and find a way to fight your DUI charges in Allentown.
In Pennsylvania, the legal limit for a drunk driving charge is a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08%. For a driver convicted of first offense DUI with a BAC measurement of .08% to .10%, the potential penalties at sentencing include:
If this is your first DUI offense, you have a better chance to get charges dropped than someone with multiple DUI infractions. For instance, you might be able to have your DUI downgraded to reckless driving or dismissed completely. These outcomes may be possible if you hire an experienced Pennsylvania DUI lawyer from Kitay Law Offices. We have over 25 years of experience fighting DUI charges in Allentown. In particular, we know how to dispute breath test evidence and the arrest details from the police officer’s report.
Jail time is not one of the suggested penalties for a first time DUI charge in accordance with PA law. However, jail time is possible for your first DUI if your case has extenuating circumstances like:
If you fail a breath test during a traffic stop, that does not absolutely mean you will be found guilty. In some cases, the police officer will make a mistake during the testing procedure. In other cases, the machine may not work correctly and we can prove the readings are inaccurate. By investigating these possibilities, we may discover that your DUI charges in Allentown should never have been filed in the first place.
If you are pulled over by the police and are suspected of drunk driving, the law requires the driver to take a DUI test. If you refuse, your driver’s license can immediately be suspended and the penalties are severe. By law, your refusal to take a breathalyzer or BAC test leads to a similar outcome as if you fail the actual tests.
Ken Kitay is dedicated to his clients and the community in which he has served for 25 years. His experience with DUI charges is extensive. Ken will examine the facts of your case and determine the most effective way to bring about the best possible outcome. You can reach Ken for a consultation by calling him directly at 610-776-1700.
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Ken Kitay is dedicated to his clients and the community in which he has served for 25 years. His experience with DUI charges is extensive. Ken will examine the facts of your case and determine the most effective way to bring about the best possible outcome. You can reach Ken for a consultation by calling him directly at 610-776-1700.
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